All of heaven waited patiently for the arrival of the Son of Man. The angels in heaven watched over Him for 33 years after making the announcement of His incarnation. They sang above the manger and tended to Him in the wilderness after His first victory over Satan. They witnessed His death and burial, announced His resurrection, and finally watched and waited with the rest of the host of heaven for His arrival.

The Son of Man was returning to the Father. Heaven waited.

Before He arrived, John was called up into heaven to witness the arrival. As we saw last week, John saw the Ancient of Days, sitting on His throne. He saw the four living creatures, all worshipping the Ancient of Days. He saw the 24 elders on their thrones, then falling down before the Ancient of Days and casting their crowns at His feet.

He was witnessing worship in the true Temple.

But there was One who was missing.

Did John realize what He was witnessing? Did he understand he was seeing the flip side of the ascension? Did he remember what Daniel had written about the arrival of the Son of Man before the Ancient of Days, and the bestowal of power, glory, and dominion, along with an everlasting kingdom?

Probably so.

Therefore, John continued to look for one like the Son of Man, as Daniel had seen. He saw that the Ancient of Days held a written scroll in His right hand, a scroll with writing on both the front and the back, and the scroll was sealed.

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