Why did Jesus ascend? Why did He have to go away? Would it not have been better, had He sat up an earthly throne so we could go and visit Him every few years? Isn’t that what we want, a King and Savior we can see, we can speak too, we can actually order a McDonald’s Big Mac with Him?

I ask that absurd question because once you start down the line asking questions, … without discernment and restraint, thereby questioning Christ’s wisdom in all things, then you end up in the absurd.

Yet, it is right to ask: why did Jesus ascend? We ask with reverence because we do trust in His wisdom in ascending.

I hope that by the time we finish this morning, you will have seen some on the wonderful reasons our King ascended to the throne. Christ was very purposeful in His ascension. It was, and is, all very good.

Listen to the rest of the sermon below:


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